Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney In Minneapolis

If you sustained a traumatic brain injury in a dockless scooter accident in Minneapolis due to someone else’s negligence, contact Robert Wilson & Associates immediately. You might be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party.

At Robert Wilson & Associates, we understand the consequences of a traumatic brain injury. It can disrupt your daily routine and limit your physical or mental abilities. Many people can’t function normally because of the damage to their brains, nerves, or brain cells. It’s debilitating and creates various challenges for the injured person.

Our Minneapolis dockless scooter accident attorneys can help you hold the at-fault party liable for the crash. When you’re in a dockless scooter accident, you need an experienced legal team on your side to pursue justice. We will fight for you and seek the maximum possible compensation on your behalf.

Call Robert Wilson & Associates for your confidential consultation at (612) 334-3444 today.

Main Office 404 N 3rd Ave #201, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 334-3444
Table Of Contents

    About Scooters

    dockless scooterTypically, electric scooters are dockless. That means you can pick up and drop them off in various service locations instead of in one fixed place. Dockless scooters provide convenient and fun transportation. Bird and Lyft are two popular scooter companies that rent out scooters all over the city.

    Although dockless scooters seem like the perfect option for navigating crowded roadways, they can be dangerous. Accidents can seriously injure riders, especially if the collision involves a car or truck. Traumatic brain injuries commonly occur in electric scooter crashes. The violent impact of a collision can damage the brain and lead to various medical complications.

    Common Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

    Anyone could suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a dockless scooter accident. This type of injury can range from mild to severe. The most common types of TBI include:

    • Intracranial hematoma – An intracranial hematoma happens when blood collects outside a blood vessel in the brain. The pressure the brain experiences from blood collecting within the skull is life-threatening and requires emergency medical care.
    • Contusion – A contusion is a bruise. A brain contusion is a brain bruise. Brain swelling and internal bleeding typically occur near the injury site.
    • Coup-contrecoup – Brain damage occurs in two stages with a coup-contrecoup injury. An external force, such as a dockless scooter accident, causes the brain to impact the front of the skull. Additional damage results from the brain bouncing off the front of the skull and impacting the back.
    • Penetrating brain injury – A sharp object, such as debris from a crash, can enter a person’s brain and cause a penetrating brain injury. Swelling of the brain, a brain bleed, and other complications can arise.
    • Concussion – A concussion is a mild type of TBI. Sudden and violent movement or a blow to the head can alter the normal functioning of the brain. It can cause a range of symptoms, such as loss of coordination, dizziness, memory loss, and headaches.
    • Diffuse axonal injury – A diffuse axonal injury involves microscopic changes to the brain as it rotates and shifts inside the skull. This happens when an external force tears the long connecting nerve fibers in the brain.

    The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury depend on the severity of the damage.

    Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

    A mild TBI typically causes symptoms such as:

    • Headaches
    • Blurry vision
    • Changes in mood
    • Loss of balance or dizziness
    • Speech difficulties
    • Fatigue or drowsiness
    • Feeling anxious or depressed
    • Loss of consciousness for a few seconds to several minutes
    • Sensitivity to light or sound
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Memory and concentration problems
    • Trouble sleeping or sleeping more than usual

    Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

    A mild or severe TBI might cause symptoms, such as:

    • Profound confusion
    • Slurred speech
    • Coma and other consciousness disorders
    • Convulsions or seizures
    • Worsening or persistent headaches
    • Dilated pupils
    • Inability to wake from sleep
    • Combativeness, agitation, and other unusual behaviors
    • Repeated nausea or vomiting
    • Loss of coordination
    • Weakness or numbness in the fingers and toes
    • Loss of consciousness for a few minutes to hours

    If you sustained a traumatic brain injury in a dockless scooter accident someone else caused, do not hesitate to contact Robert Wilson & Associates. We can investigate to determine who is at fault and prepare your case against the negligent party.

    Most Common Causes of Dockless Scooter Accidents

    man with head injuryDockless scooter accidents often happen when a careless or distracted driver crosses paths with a rider. The collision can lead to a TBI if the rider hits their head on the ground or vehicle during the crash.

    These accidents commonly occur when a driver makes an error at the wheel of their car. The most common causes of dockless scooter accidents include:

    • Turning left at an intersection without yielding
    • Malfunctioning scooter
    • Failing to check blind spots
    • Distracted driving
    • Tailgating
    • Driving under the influence
    • Speeding

    Dockless scooter accidents can be deadly for the rider. Users don’t have anything protecting them during a collision with a motor vehicle. A helmet could mitigate the risk of a severe TBI but can’t prevent other types of injuries.

    Compensation for a Traumatic Brain Injury

    Minnesota is a no-fault car insurance state. That means people injured in accidents must file claims with their personal injury protection (PIP) carrier first. You can recover a settlement from your car insurance company even though you were on an electric scooter at the time of the crash.

    The minimum required personal injury protection limit is $40,000. You can use up to $20,000 to pay for hospital and medical bills. The remaining $20,000 can cover non-medical expenses, such as lost wages.

    You can only step outside the no-fault system and file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company if:

    • You suffered 60 days of disability, a permanent injury, or permanent disfigurement due to the accident; or
    • You incurred at least $4,000 in reasonable medical expenses from the crash.

    The compensation you recover in a liability claim might compensate you for accident-related losses, such as:

    • Lost wages
    • Lost earning capacity
    • Medical bills
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Emotional distress
    • Physical impairment
    • Property damage

    You could file a lawsuit against the negligent motorist and pursue punitive damages. The court might award you this form of compensation if you provide clear and convincing evidence of the defendant’s deliberate disregard for the safety and rights of others.

    Statute of Limitations for a Dockless Scooter Accident

    Minnesota imposes a statute of limitations that allows a two-year timeframe to file a lawsuit. That means you must file suit against the at-fault party within two years from the date of the scooter accident. Once this period passes, you could lose your right to pursue compensation in court.

    Contact Us

    Robert Wilson & Associates has successfully represented clients injured in accidents since 1991. Our traumatic brain injury attorneys in Minneapolis will be your advocates and provide the quality legal representation you deserve.

    If someone’s negligent actions caused your TBI in a dockless scooter accident, call Robert Wilson & Associates at (612) 334-3444 right now for your confidential consultation.