Dockless Scooter Accident Attorney In Minneapolis

Dockless Scooter Accident Attorney in Minneapolis

Robert Wilson & Associates represents individuals who suffered injuries on dockless scooters in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas. If you were hurt as a rider or if a rider injured you, you could be eligible for significant compensation. We hold individuals and the dockless scooter companies that provide and maintain these vehicles (like Bird and Lime) accountable for their actions if they cause harm to others.

As early as 2017, cities in the United States, including Minneapolis, saw electric scooters scattered throughout. These scooters offer an alternative to commuting by car with the intention of alleviating some traffic and giving people more flexible options for moving through their cities.

In 2018, the companies of the two largest electric scooter companies, Lime and Bird, have scooters available in over 20 states in the United States as well as in large international cities, such as Paris, Vienna, and Mexico City. Though it’s an industry that has grown quickly, safety and regulatory measures haven’t quite caught up.

Piggybacking on the success of ride-sharing companies like Lyft and Uber, Lime and Bird seem to be the next iteration of convenient transportation. Getting around in large cities, especially those that lack decent public transportation options, can be expensive and even unattainable for many people. Bird and Lime scooters present a viable transportation option for people who are looking for cost-effective ways to commute, but using these electric scooters does not come without risks.

No matter how safe someone tries to be, people are fallible and accidents happen. Of course, electric scooters are not exempt from this fact. Many people who hop on an electric scooter get injured before getting to their destination. Accidents are caused by various factors. People who ride the scooters have hurt pedestrians, hit cars, and even been hit by cars or cyclists. Just like any other mode of transportation, scooters have safety measures that need to be followed and enforced, but because they are so new and the appeal is largely convenience, observing and enforcing the rules doesn’t tend to happen.

If you are injured in a scooter accident, whether as a scooter rider, pedestrian, or motorist, Robert Wilson & Associates can help you recover compensation for your injuries and expenses if the accident was not your fault. Our team of Minneapolis dockless scooter accident lawyers has been assisting accident victims in Minnesota since 1991, and we are ready to put our experience and skills to work for you. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today at (612) 334-3444.

Main Office 404 N 3rd Ave #201, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 334-3444
Table Of Contents

    Scooter Companies in Minneapolis

    Both companies providing dockless electric scooters in Minneapolis are based out of California. The sudden appearance of electric scooters in many cities across the United States came as a surprise to community leaders and led them to quickly determine regulatory measures. Drafting regulations and an official framework for future scooter share regulations, community leaders set standards for how their respective communities will engage with the scooters.

    According to the Star Tribune, Minneapolis city leaders want to find a way to honor innovation and green transportation initiatives while making sure that laws are in place to keep the city and its residents safe. Unfortunately, the safety standards for Bird and Lime scooters exist more to protect the respective scooter companies than the people who ride them. Before activating a scooter, the rider must download the corresponding mobile application and agree to the terms and conditions of usage. These conditions include acting in accordance with the specific city’s safety guidelines.

    Unfortunately, the information given to riders is easy to gloss over and is primarily a formality. When first-time scooter riders do not have previous experience commuting using a comparable mode of transportation, like a bicycle or a moped, they are less likely to understand how to use traffic signals and observe the proper right-of-way. This lack of knowledge can pose a serious threat to scooter riders, pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike.

    When Bird and Lime scooters began to appear in Minneapolis, the city set limits in place to keep the number of total scooters to 200 and below. The director of public works is able to increase this amount when necessary. Limiting the amount of scooters available in the city is meant to help city officials deal with potential problems and issues at a healthy rate. Allowing unlimited amounts of scooters to be available to the people of Minneapolis exposes a larger segment of the public to any unanticipated problems. Having the ability to control how many scooters are available along Minneapolis streets helps city officials manage potential dangers more closely.

    Types of Scooter Accidents

    Electric scooters are most suited to bicycle lanes for the safety of scooter riders and vehicle drivers alike. Unfortunately, not all cities have bicycle lanes, and when this is the case, scooters must drive on the road with all of the other vehicles. Though this is legally permissible, it presents a clear danger to the operator of the scooter as well as additional responsibility on drivers. In the event that a scooter collides with a vehicle, the scooter operator is vulnerable to all kinds of serious injuries, especially if they are not wearing a helmet.

    Confusion and carelessness plays a large role in causing scooter accidents. If the scooter operator isn’t familiar with basic hand signaling and right-of-way rules, they could move out of turn and hit someone else on the road. Scooters are not allowed on sidewalks with foot traffic, as they can reach up to 15 mph and cause serious damage to pedestrians should a collision occur.

    Though they aren’t allowed on the sidewalk, this rule is easily disregarded and can result in the injury of a pedestrian. Lime encourages riders to follow a simple safety check process, which includes brake, tire, and body inspection. If there are additional problems that the rider is unable to detect, a scooter malfunctioning while on the road can result in serious physical injury. If Lime or Bird fails to collect damaged machinery and service machines that should be replaced, defective scooters risk the safety of the riders and surrounding pedestrians and motorists.

    Types of Scooter Injuries

    Dockless Scooter Accident Attorney in MinneapolisAccording to WCCO-TV, as electric scooters become more abundant in cities, so do trips to the emergency room. The biggest physical threat to scooter operators are cars on the road. A collision with a vehicle will likely cause little damage to the vehicle, but it could result in serious physical injury, even death, to the scooter operator. When a person is involved in a scooter accident, they may come out of it with serious injuries. The following are some injuries that could result from a scooter accident:

    People who have been injured often find that the healing process requires patience and persistent rehabilitative work in order to reach their previous level of health. People who have been injured while riding an electric scooter face serious financial consequences that often include hefty medical bills and time spent off of work. If the worst does occur and a rider suffers fatal injuries, their loved ones may be able to pursue a wrongful death case. Seeking the help of an experienced lawyer can help you understand your options if you are ever injured in an electric scooter accident.

    Contact a Minneapolis Scooter Injury Lawyer

    In the aftermath of a scooter accident, placing blame can be a complicated task. Large electric scooter companies have positioned themselves to avoid liability when accidents occur. If you were injured by no fault of your own, you should not be blamed for your accident, and the party responsible should be held financially responsible. Surviving an accident can leave many people physically and mentally shaken, but it is important to seek legal help as quickly as possible. If you have walked away from a scooter accident with injuries and the financial burden that they often carry with them, seek the help of an experienced lawyer. A seasoned injury lawyer will evaluate your case and determine the best steps that you can take. Because establishing liability in scooter accident cases can be complicated, it is best to entrust your case to an attorney so that they can help you get the justice that you deserve.

    If you are in need of medical help, make sure that you get the treatment that you need for your injuries. Attempting to deal with serious injuries alone in order to save money will only cause more issues later. If you are coping with injuries and the impending recovery process after an electric scooter accident, you don’t have to shoulder the stress of your situation alone. The Minneapolis injury attorneys of Robert Wilson & Associates have witnessed the unfortunate impact that serious injuries have on people’s lives, and we dedicate our practice to helping people get back to living their lives.

    If you are coping with injuries, it can be difficult to imagine a reality beyond your present one. We understand this and want to help you get through your situation. To discuss your case with one of our lawyers today, call (612) 334-3444 or contact us online.